RSB Covers Arrive This Week
The three cover options for the 4th edition of the Restoration Study Bible were sent to the office this week for our approval. The Premium edition is rich black cowhide; the Designer is a leather-like cover with the Hebrew Tetragrammaton down the left side as in the 3rd edition Designer; the Outreach paperback has a high-gloss, laminated cover with a photo of a menorah carved in stone, captured by Russ King on a YRM trip to Israel. All Bibles have the same inside content, as before. We have kept the cost at rock bottom, making the RSB with its three books in one volume the best value anywhere. We expect to take delivery of the Bibles in early June. To see more of what’s new in the 4th edition go to: To see the covers up close check out this video!
Lockdown for Two More Weeks
YRM is adhering to the governor’s pandemic guidelines and will continue Sabbath services online. The local congregation has been patiently worshiping online as well. After two more Sabbaths, however, we plan to hold services outside providing the weather is suitable.
We are also limiting attendance for Pentecost on May 31 to only those who are local to Holts Summit. Yahweh willing, we hope to see everyone at the Feast of Tabernacles in October.
Need Continues in Workstation Upgrade Fund
We thank those who have donated toward the upgrade of our workstation computer. This machine is used for our videos, publications, online needs, and other office tasks. It has given many years of service but is gradually failing at critical times, causing lost time and frustration. Any help you can give is appreciated. A new system is at minimal $10,000. We are currently over halfway there! Donate here>>
Backhoe Needing Major Overhaul
YRM’s John Deere backhoe has given its all for the last 15 years and has proven reliable. But it is now in need of major repairs. This indispensable machine has been used in numerous ways: in the construction of the entire Holts Summit facility; in the upkeep of our roads and parking lot in summer and winter; in moving pallets of Bibles when delivered to the offices; in handling tons of trash; in clearing trees on the property, and in countless other ways. It was taken to a shop this week and we anticipate a large bill for the repairs.
When does the count to Pentecost begin?
A. On the conjunction of the first month Abib
B. On the day after the first High Sabbath (Abib 16) within the Feast of Unleavened Bread
C. On the day after the weekly Sabbath within the Feast of Unleavened Bread
D. Nobody knows; the determination was lost along with the pronunciation of Yahweh’s Name
Scripture states that the count begins “from the morrow after the Sabbath” (i.e., weekly Sabbath). The Restoration Study Bible in its note on Leviticus 23:15 further explains, “The Feast of Weeks (Heb. Shavuoth) or Pentecost is the third of the seven annual observances. This Feast is 50 days from the wave sheaf (vv. 10-11), which was offered on the day after the weekly Sabbath that fell within the Feast of Unleavened Bread (vv.15-16)
…” Answer: C