Restoration Times
The January-February edition of the Restoration Times is now available to read online. In this issue we review what the Bible says about Passover and the error behind Easter. We also examine the importance and benefits of fellowship and why going it alone is not the best option. In addition, we continue our discussion of the real temple mount, including evidence of Yahshua’s prophecies of the temple destruction and an in-depth look at Fortress Antonia and the Roman X Legion. We will be mailing copies to our financial supporters in the coming days as a token of our appreciation.
Building Update
This week YRM continued making progress on our multipurpose building. Ryan Mansager and Lucas Cecil worked on the electrical and plumbing for the communal bathrooms. Also, local members Deacon Steve Reed, Ed Thompson, and Gary Hornickel met to discuss the fabrication of the bunk beds for the lower lodge rooms. In addition, Midwest HVAC is nearly finished installing the heating/cooling equipment on the lower level. It is our hope to complete the communal bathrooms and the 5 lower lodge rooms by Passover. This would allow for additional facilities for this upcoming observance. It is also our goal to finish the upper rooms by the Feast of Tabernacles. Please consider helping with this important project. Give Now >>
Join YRM for Passover and Unleavened Bread
We warmly invite you to this year’s Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread in Holts Summit from the evening of March 31 – April 8. Those who partake of the Passover emblems must be baptized into “Yahshua’s” name by an ordained minister, which, for those interested, we can provide on the Sabbath before the Passover. These observances promise to be a blessing for all in attendance. We have scheduled several worship services, Bible workshops, and activities, including roller skating, bingo, board games, an afternoon on the Katy Trail, open gym time, and several group meals. Register Now >>
New Moon Confirmed
The new moon of the 12th month is scheduled to be visible the evening of February 16. Below is additional information.
- Sunset: 5:47 pm
- Moonset: 6:44 pm
- Moon age: 25:41 hours
- Moon elevation: 9.1 degrees
- Degrees from sun: 6.4 degrees
- Illumination: 1%
Prayer List
In which book does Paul state that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom?
A. John
B. Romans
C. 1 Corinthians
D. Galatians
Paul in 1Corinthians 15:50 states, “Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of Yahweh; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.” This statement by Paul confirms that (1) those in the first resurrection will be changed from flesh to spirit and (2) this change is required for those who will be given access to the Kingdom. Revelation 20:6 verifies that those found worthy will also reign and rule with Messiah as a kingdom of priests within the Millennium.
Correct: C