Sacred Name Bible

Sacred Name Bible There are many Bibles available today. Some of the most popular Bibles include: New International Version (NIV), King James Version (KJV), New King James Version (NKJV), New Living Translation (NLT), English Standard Version (ESV), and New American Standard (NAS). While all these Bibles offer insights into our Father’s Word, no Bible offers the level of understanding found in the Restoration Study Bible (RSB). If you desire a a Sacred Name Bible that answers the hard questions, then the RSB is for you. This attractive resource offers insight and clarity found nowhere else. It is the result of 150 years of in-depth study spanning three generations. The Restoration Study Bible examines the source languages behind the English text to reveal original meanings.

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Many Features

In addition to restoring the sacred names Yahweh and Yahshua, this unique sacred name Bible has in-depth book introductions, genealogical section for important life events, thousands of eye-opening study notes, cross references, instructional charts, a topical reference, Strong’s numbering and the Strong’s Hebrew and Greek dictionaries.

It answers such questions as:

  • What is the Name of our Father in heaven and why is it important to New Testament Faith?
  • Did Paul really teach that obedience was no longer necessary?
  • What was the meaning of Peter’s vision in Acts 10?
  • How did Sodom and Gomorrah suffer the example of eternal fire?
  • What is the meaning and impact of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse?

With all that it offers, we pray this insightful sacred name Bible will be your Bible of choice for in-depth research and learning. You no longer need to rely only on what “scholars” say — now there is a Bible that clearly proves the answers to these and hundreds of other perplexing issues that have troubled Bible students for centuries. It is a library in one volume.

Why the King James Version and Strong’s?

The RSB is based on the King James Version (KJV). The KJV was chosen partly because of its universal use and acceptance. Along with Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance numbers in the text, we have included the Strong’s Hebrew and Greek dictionaries without alteration or modification at the back of this volume in which to reference those numbers. Each number identifies the word in Hebrew (Old Testament) and Greek (New Testament) from which the English words are translated. Many scholarly Hebrew and Greek lexicons and dictionaries employ Strong’s reference numbers for the King James Version (e.g., The New Brown-Driver-Briggs-Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, The New Englishman’s Hebrew Concordance, The New Englishman’s Greek Concordance and Lexicon, The New Thayer’s Greek Lexicon, The Interlinear Greek-English New Testament, and Vine’s Complete Expository Dictionary). Making use of Strong’s predominant numbering system was one of the key considerations in choosing the KJV for the Restoration Study Bible.

Product Details

Dimensions: 6in x 9in x 2.25 in thick | 152mm x 229mm x 57.15 mm thick
Cover Type: Soft leatherette covers
Cover Color: Brown
Text Size: 10 point
Page Count: approx. 2246

Important Links

Read Text (does not include commentary, charts, and other study helps)
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Michael Kluth
Michael Kluth
4 years ago

hi.can you create a german version?thank you:)))

3 years ago

Hello Brothers. First of all may the Lord God of Israel richly bless you for the work that you do. There are some of us that (without straining our eyes) just want to read the word as close to the original as possible, and not necessarily having all the extra deep studies included in the same book. This days research can be found if looked for. The plea; I was wondering if a simple (just) bible with Restored Names bold giant or bold super giant print is something that is considered. Having just the words of the Bible without all… Read more »

Reply to  Michael
3 years ago

Check out HalleluYah scriptures. They have a large print version and the all of the names have been restored.

Joy Guglielmino
Joy Guglielmino
3 years ago

It isn’t Yahweh. The Tetragrammaton is YHVH. Not YHWH! Yahveh!!

Jesse W
Jesse W
Reply to  Joy Guglielmino
2 years ago

If you consider the names set forth in the Hebrew restoration scriptures, many of them begin or end with “Yahu”, meaning “…of YHWH” or “YHWH…” like “Yeshy’yahu” or “Yirme’yahu” or “Zechar’yahu”, this even continues to this day (think Benjamin NetanYAHU), this strongly suggests that the first three letters (Yod-Hey-Waw(vav)) are pronounced “Yahu”, combine this with the fact that waw (or vav) is a “w” sound and it makes perfect sense, and the final “hey” is pronounced “ah” just like the first “hey”, and you arrive at Yahu-ah. Again, this makes complete sense when you remember that when YHWH gave Abram… Read more »

Reply to  Jesse W
1 year ago

This is amazing. If only people knew his divine name. Thank you…

William Mou Bang
William Mou Bang
2 years ago

I would like you to create Bible for free download for those so far who wants to know the truth and hidden secrets behind the translation made by the papacy of Roman Empire. Please introduce publish the Bibles that don’t contain pagans such as God, Jesus, Lord and many more. I wish the grace and Glory of father Yahuah to guide you in Yahsuha name ahmein.

David Bacon Sr
David Bacon Sr
2 years ago

I received the leather bound 4th edition of the RSB. I am impressed. In many ways, it was more than I expected. In other ways, a tad less. A negative (well not really): I randomly opened the RSB bible and landed on Nehemiah 6 and then went to Nehemiah 6 in my Geneva Bible. No notes on chapter 6 in the RSB but a full 17 on chapter 6 alone. I will be using these two bibles in random as what one has the other lacks and vice versa. Well done!

2 years ago

Definitely getting one….

Marvellous Ben Yohanan
Marvellous Ben Yohanan
4 months ago

How can i download it so it can be used for projection