Restoration Times Jan – Feb 2021

In this issues of the Restoration Times we discuss:

• Are we Living in the End Times?

• Yahshua Spoke the Name Yahweh

• Destination Earth, the Center of Everything

• Q&A

• Letters

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Restoration Times Sept-Dec

In this issue of the Restoration Times we discuss:

• Christmas – The Folly of the Holly-day

• Fruits of the Spirit – Gentleness

• Earth’s First and Last Language

• Q&A

• Letters

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Restoration Times July-August 2020

In this issue of the Restoration Times we cover:

• Fruits of the Spirit: Long-suffering
• Energy of the Holy Spirit
• Disengaged Devotion
• Satan Strikes Out
• Q&A

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Restoration Times May – June 2020

In this issue of The Restoration Times we discuss:

• Pentecost – A Covenant Feast
• Let’s Talk About Speaking in Tongues
• Fruits of the Spirit – Peace
•Your Heart Condition Is Critical
•Q & A

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Restoration Times March – April 2020

In this issue of The Restoration Times we discuss:

• Biblical Feasts and the Final Days

• Fruit of the Spirit – Joy
• Firstfruits and the Dynamics of Abib
•Easter – the Great Counterfeit
•Q & A
•Two Greatest Laws

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Restoration Times Jan-Feb 2020

In this Issue of the Restoration Times we cover:

• Sin Goes Viral: The Food Laws and the Coronavirus

• Fruit of the Spirit: Love

• Possessing a Positive Attitude

• Why on Earth am I Here?

• Q&A

• Letters

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Restoration Times Nov – Dec 2019

In this issue of the Restoration Times we cover:

• New Testament Basis and Basics
• Is Holly Holy?
• Checkered origins of Hanukkah
• Shedding Light on the Angelic Realm, Part 2
• Scholars Affirm the Name Yahweh
• Q&A
• Letters

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Restoration Times Sept – Oct 2019

In this issue of the Restoration Times we cover:

• The Angelic­­­­­ Realm, Part 1

• Your Devotion Reflects Your Heart

• Principles of Effective Bible Study

• Samhain and the Origins of Halloween

• RSB Topical Reference Preview

• Q & A

• Letters

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Restoration Times July – August 2019

In this issue of the Restoration Times we cover the following topics:

•The Feasts: Fundamental to Salvation

•When We Compromise the Word

•You Could Be Called to the Priesthood!

•Your Acts of Obedience

•The Many Facets of Biblical Love

•Q & A


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Restoration Times May-June 2019

Restoration Times

In this issue of the Restoration Times we cover:

• His Spirit vs Our Flesh
•Myth-Busting Made Easy
•History in Context – King Cyrus
•Who is the Angel of Yahweh?
•When Troubles Surround You

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