Restoration Times Sept-Oct 2022

In this Issue of the Restoration Times we discuss:

• I Must by All Means Keep This Feast
• What the Autumn Feasts Teach Us
• The Law Before Sinai
• Q&A
• Letters

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Restoration Times July – August 2022

In this issues of the Restoration Times we discuss:

• Rewriting the New Testament

• Do We Die for Heaven’s Sake?

• Sabbaticals and Jubilees, Part 2

• Hoshana Rabba and the Living Water

• Q&A

• Letters

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Restoration Times – May – June 2022

In this issue of the Restoration Times we discuss:

• The Spirit of Pentecost

• It’s Just a Name – Oh REALLY?

• Sabbaticals and Jubilees

• Q&A

• Letters

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Restoration Times March – April 2022

In this issue of the Restoration Times we discuss:

• Passover – the Memorial for Salvation

• How Passover Became Passed Over

• You Say Yahweh’s Name in Every Breath

• Is the ‘Immortal Soul’ Biblical?

• Q&A

• Letters

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Restoration Times Jan-Feb 2022

In this issue of the Restoration Times we discuss:

• Where Have the Fathers Gone?

• Hebrew – the Original Language

• How the Bible Defines Leavening

• The Sixth Letter, Waw or Vav?

• Q&A

• Letters

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Restoration Times Nov – Dec 2021

In this issue of the Restoration Times we discuss:

• How the Church Dropped the Ball

•Good Versus Bad Fruit

•What’s Wrong With the Holly Day



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Restoration Times September – October 2021

In this issue of the Restoration Times we discuss:

• Untangling Halloween’s Sinister Web

• Why They Call Them Testaments

• Temperance – The Final Spiritual Fruit

• Q&A

• Letters

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Restoration Times July – August 2021

In this issue of the Restoration Times we discuss:

• Fruits of the Spirit – Meekness

• Thy Kingdom Come

• From Stones to Bones

• Q&A

• Letters

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Restoration Times May – June 2021

In this Issue of the Restoration Times we cover:
• Power of Pentecost
•Fruits of the Spirit: Faith
•Waldenses – Persecuted People of Truth

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Restoration Times March – April 2021

In this issue of the Restoration Times we cover:
• Passover and Feasts Proper Worship in Our Time
• Going Down a Bunny Trail
• Is America Repeating Rome’s Fall?
• Fruits of the Spirit: Goodness
• From Grace to Obedience
• Q&A

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