E-news 6/7/2019

Our Outreach Continues Phenomenal Growth

Almighty Yahweh is blessing YRM as we continue spreading the Truth to the entire world. As we recently reported, our video sermons and teachings have been seen by millions, thanks to the outreach of social media. Yahshua’s prophecy in Matthew 24:14 is being fulfilled. “And this good news of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”

Our website, yrm.org, has also been experiencing similar success. On May 17 we began to track visits and hits to the site and the following is what we found: In the last three weeks there have been 25,182 visits to yrm.org!
How they found us:
About 9.6 thousand came from those searching for us online through Google, Yahoo, etc. Facebook contributed more than 500. The rest were from dozens of sources all over the internet.

What they were looking at:
Articles and booklets made up 70 percent of the content viewed. Your Father’s Name booklet had 855 views. Our weekly Sabbath worship had 862 views (“Shabbat Live”).

Where they were from (Top 10 countries):
1. U.S. 18,417
2. U.K. 828
3. South Africa 806
4. Canada 724
5. India 501
6. Australia 428
7. Philippines 426
8. Germany 213
9. New Zealand 191
10. Singapore 154

We are blessed of Yahweh as we labor to “preach the Word” to a world increasingly in dire need of it. We thank all who support and pray for these efforts.

Brand New Video to Be Shown Tonight
Join us this evening at 8:00 (central time) as we premiere the “sequel” to our most popular video on YouTube, Uncovering Jerusalem’s Lost Temple. Our Temple video has garnered the attention of the History, Travel, and Discovery channels. Set your alarms and join us as we uncover the mystery of Jerusalem’s lost Temple.
Clicking on the link below will take you to the premiere page. Be sure to click the “Set Reminder” button so you do not miss it. You can also chat with us and fellow watchers. And don’t forget to like and subscribe and share with your friends and family. Click here>>
Flood Waters Reaching Crest

Monsoonal rains (on top of the tornadic destruction) in mid-Missouri have subsided. Pray for those who are suffering here and in other states through this springtime ravaging and flooding. Being on higher ground, Holts Summit is not in danger of floodwaters and praise Yahweh we were spared the tornado as well.


How many times does the word “Sabbath” appear in the New Testament of the KJV?
A. 0
B. 10
C. 30
D. 60
Amazingly, the word “Sabbath” appears 60 times in the New Testament of the King James Version. This day was sanctified and observed in the Old Testament (Gen. 2:3; Ex. 20:8-11; 31:13; Neh. 10:31), the New Testament (Luke 23:56; Acts 13:14; 16:13; 17:2; 18:4), and will be enforced in the millennial Kingdom (Isa. 66:23; Ez. 46:1). The fact is, it was not Scripture that changed the day of worship, but a pagan Roman emperor named Constantine. From our publication, Sabbath Keeping – Answering the Arguments, we read, “Issuing the first civil edict making Sunday the day of worship for His Roman empire was Constantine I or Saint Constantine, also known as Constantine the Great. He was emperor from 306 CE to 337 CE and according to history was the first Roman emperor to convert to Christianity. However, prior to his conversion it is well documented that this man was a sun worshiper and only converted upon his death bed. This is the same king who required Sunday observance by civil command!

“In his famous edict of 321 CE, Constantine declared, ‘On the Venerable Day of the Sun let the magistrates and people residing in cities rest, and let all workshops be closed. In the country, however, persons engaged in agriculture may freely and lawfully continue their pursuits; because it often happens that another day is not so suitable for grain-sowing or for vine-planting; lest by neglecting the proper moment for such operations the bounty of heaven should be lost.'”

Correct: D

Times change, truths do not.

E-news 5/31/2019

E-news 5/31/19

Feast Accommodations Nearly Filled
Tabernacles is fast approaching. We have only a couple of rooms available for Feast of Tabernacles lodging (Sept. 14-21). If you want a room but have not yet sent in your Feast reservation, now is the hour of decision. Rooms are only $150 for the entire week. Once the rooms are gone, your options will be tent, camper (only one full-hookup site left) or motel.
Register Here>>

A Study Bible Dream for Today’s Berean
So many misunderstandings and errors in popular beliefs and teachings are cleared up in the 7,000 notes and footnotes of the Restoration Study Bible (RSB). You do yourself a disservice trying to navigate the Scriptures without one. We continually get scriptural questions that are already answered in the RSB, including all those perplexing questions your minister tries to sidestep.
Through Strong’s Hebrew and Greek dictionaries conveniently part of the appendix, we go directly to the source languages for root meanings. When the Bible student consults the languages from which the Bible is translated, many more misunderstandings are cleared up. In addition, only the best scholarship is consulted to solve problematic passages in the RSB.
The RSB is straightforward and without a doctrinal axe to grind or private views to promote. It does not attempt to uphold any church creeds or preconceived notions. It is one of the best myth-busting, study tools available today. Let the RSB open your eyes to so many truths you never knew. As one Bible student remarked, “I learned more just reading the footnotes than in 25 years of going to church.”

With all of its eye-opening advantages, why would anyone not want an RSB as his or her go-to Bible? Get your own Restoration Study Bible and be amazed by what you learn. You won’t find a better value. Order Here>>



Circumcision is still required for believers in the New Testament.

A. True
B. False
While physical circumcision is no longer required in the New Testament (Acts 15:19; 1Cor. 7:19), circumcision through baptism into Yahshua’s Name is obligatory for all believers (Col. 2:11-13). Upon true repentance a person is to be baptized into the saving Name of Yahshua the Messiah (meeting the scriptural age of accountability, which is 20), Matthew 3:13-17; Acts 2:38; 4:12; 8:16; 10:43; 19:5; Romans 6:3. Through baptism we become a new man, free of our old carnal nature, Romans 6:3-6; 7:6; Colossians 2:12; 1Peter 3:21. Answer A
Times change, truths do not.

E-news 5/24/2019

Jefferson city tornado 2019Yahweh’s Protection from the Storm
We and Yahweh’s people and facilities at Holts Summit were blessed with His protection from the EF3 (just shy of an EF4) tornado Wednesday night that unleashed a direct hit on the center of Jefferson City seven miles away. Based on its 30-mile-long, northern trajectory, our facility near Holts Summit was directly in its 20-mile path. But just a few miles from us, it turned eastward. Thank you for your prayers. Yahweh is good to His faithful!


Outreach Reaches New Heights
Our YouTube videos are experiencing steady interest and growth. We now have more than 75,000 subscribers and over 140,000 views of our programs just in the last month.  The total views from our YouTube channel have now surpassed 11 million.


Booklet Given New Life
We have published a new and improved booklet on the number seven entitled, “The Commanded Appointments and the Cycle of 7.” This revamped publication reveals additional significance and meaning in the number seven in the Scriptures. From creation week to the seven annual Feasts, Yahweh created a unique influence in the number seven, both physically and spiritually. This number that equates to spiritual perfection is built into the universe itself, and rejuvenates us in numerous ways when we align our lives and worship to it.


Supporting YRM Is Easy
The kitchen renovation at YRM continues making progress as some of the commercial appliances have been put in place. You can conveniently donate toward the fund or to our other outreach programs at our website: https://yrm.org/donate/   A reminder that Amazon Smile contributes a portion of your purchases to YRM every time you shop with Amazon online, and it costs you nothing. To participate in this program, go to: https://smile.amazon.com/


Two of the annual Feasts are week-long observances and include high days and non-high days. We must observe the high day Sabbaths of the Feasts of Unleavened Bread and Tabernacles, but the rest of the days in those week-long Feasts are optional and are not necessary for us to gather on or observe.

A. True

B. False

The law in Leviticus 23 states what was done during these Feasts: “And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto Yahweh: seven days ye must eat unleavened bread. In the first day ye shall have an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein. But ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto Yahweh seven days…” (vv. 6-8) Note the number: seven days. Concerning the Feast of Tabernacles we read, “On the first day shall be an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein. Seven days ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto Yahweh: on the eighth day shall be an holy convocation unto you; and ye shall offer an offering made by fire unto Yahweh: it is a solemn assembly; and ye shall do no servile work therein” (23:35-36).

When Israel was rebuilding the Temple under Zerubbabel, to return to proper worship they began by keeping the Feast of Tabernacles. Ezra 3:4-5 details this event: “They kept also the feast of tabernacles, as it is written, and offered the daily burnt offerings by number, according to the custom, as the duty of every day required; And afterward offered the continual burnt offering, both of the new moons, and of all the set feasts of Yahweh that were consecrated, and of every one that willingly offered a freewill offering unto Yahweh.”

To offer daily offerings the people had to be physically present every one of the seven days. If only the high days were mandated then Israel would not be required to give offerings each day of the Feasts.

Answer: B

The Commanded Appointments and the Cycle of 7

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Science is discovering that resting one day out of seven is key to physical and mental rejuvenation, good health, and productivity. A cyclical rhythm of sevens is embedded in physical creation, clearly linking Yahweh as the Creator through the significance He places on the sequence of sevens.

As science is learning, living cells operate by a rhythmic clock. This regularity keeps the cell synchronized with other cells, just as it was designed at creation. Scientists in this discipline called chronobiology say seven is the major rhythm in human biology. Many plants, insects, and animals also have biological cycles based on seven.

We humans have at the cellular level internal seven-day clocks regulating and orchestrating our biotic activities like metabolism, maintenance, growth, and reproduction. These sevens, or “septans” lie deep in our neural, metabolic, and hormonal systems.

A seven-day factor is also at work in our immune systems. Polio, small pox, and tetanus each begin to show symptoms after seven days. Chickenpox symptoms typically appear 14 days after exposure to the virus, the same with mumps. Ebola has a three-week, 21-day incubation time. All of these immune-defense clocks are built on a time element of seven.

And there’s more. The defense response to malaria infection and pneumonia peaks at seven days. In organ transplants like kidneys there is a span of about seven days when the body’s immune system may reject the new kidney. It takes seven days for a newborn to fully develop the blood clotting mechanism, and that’s why biblical circumcision is practiced on the eighth day (Philippians 3:5).

The sequence of seven is embedded in the very building blocks of life. Almighty Yahweh wound up the clock of creation and by the time He rested on the seventh day He had left His divine imprint, including the Sabbath, on living systems everywhere. It’s powerful proof of an intelligent Creator.

From the seven days of creation in Genesis to the seven seals of Revelation, the number seven also permeates Scripture.

The Apostle Paul’s observation in Romans 1:20 of the miracle of creation is confirmed. For those who deny a Creator, all they need to do is look at the complex design of creation itself.

Paul writes, “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and majesty; so that they are without excuse.” King David wrote, “Only the fool says in his heart, ‘There is no Elohim’” (Psalm 14:1).

Seventh Day Reigns Supreme

The number seven is, hands down, the most significant number in the Bible. The seventh day is the grand finale of the creation week. Seven is at the center of the weekly Sabbath and annual Feasts. These observances will be celebrated in the coming Kingdom.

But that isn’t all. There are Sabbath years called Sabbatical years in the Scripture, and they are key to knowing when the Messiah Yahshua will return in the not-too-distant future.

Yahshua said in Mark 2:27 that the Sabbath was made FOR man. Does that mean we can ignore it or change it? If I say, here, this gift is for you, do I expect you to throw it in the trash?

The Sabbath commandment is the only one of the Ten that says to “remember.” It’s a throwback to creation week and the special status Yahweh endowed the seventh day with from the beginning of creation.

Beyond telling us that Sabbath rest is an obligation, the Greek indicates that it is also something imprinted in our being. In the next verse, 28, we read, “Therefore the Son of man is Master also of the Sabbath.” John 1:3 says all things were made by Him. He was the active agent that created the universe.

Consider this: maybe He not just created the Sabbath by resting on it, but in the process of creation He also embedded the seven-day rhythmic cycle of rest into our DNA and behavior. That gives new meaning to His being the master of the Sabbath, while fashioning the Sabbath literally for mankind.

Psychological studies have shown that we humans don’t function well without a day of rest every week. Without it we are more prone to error, suffer more stress and irritability, we don’t rest as well, and live shorter lives.

We read in Genesis 2:3 of that first Sabbath rest: “And Elohim blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which Elohim created and made.” Clearly, the Sabbath is more significant than just a day to stop working. The seventh day is firmly infused into creation itself.

Even Land Must Rest
The spiritual benefits of the Sabbath are even more profound. The Sabbath was given to keep us spiritually synchronized with our Maker and His design. He blessed it, and that blessing is passed on to us when we keep it by ceasing from work as He did.

Our understanding of the importance of the number seven really opens up when we trace some of its uses through the Bible.

We learn early on that the rhythm of seven is a pattern not just for the weekly cycle but also for annual obligations.

Most people are familiar with the term Sabbatical, a time when professors take a leave of absence traditionally every seven years to do research or travel. This concept of taking time off for rest comes right out of the Scriptures. There we find Yahweh’s command for a Sabbatical year, when planting and tilling the fields is to stop, thereby giving the soil a rest every seven years.

This land rest rejuvenates the soil and gives nutrients. Exodus 23:10-11 commands: “And six years thou shalt sow thy land, and shalt gather in the fruits thereof: But the seventh year thou shalt let it rest and lie still; that the poor of thy people may eat: and what they leave the beasts of the field shall eat. In like manner thou shalt deal with thy vineyard, and with thy olive yard.”

If today’s agriculture followed the Bible’s Sabbatical year land rest, the soil would be much healthier and the use of chemical fertilizers could be reduced or eliminated. Notice that the Sabbatical year is also a system of welfare, where the poor could go out to the fields at harvest time and gather whatever the spontaneous crops had produced. What was left over the wild animals could eat.

Financial Relief
There is another important component of the Sabbatical: financial relief. Every seventh year debts were canceled. Any loan was prorated for the time remaining of the seven years.

Deuteronomy 15:1-2 says, “At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release. And this is the manner of the release: Every creditor that lendeth ought unto his neighbour shall release it; he shall not exact it of his neighbour, or of his brother; because it is called Yahweh’s release.”

Borrowers would not be burdened by heavy debt from a lifetime of financial strain at high interest fees. Throwbacks to the Sabbatical still exist today in the world of finance, where banks hold certain records accessible for seven years while certain financial instruments have a seven-year depreciation clause. Copyrights are good for the life of the holder plus 70 years.

A person is considered an adult with adult privileges at 21 years of age (3 x 7 years).

Anciently, Hebrew slaves were to be freed on the seventh year, Deuteronomy 15:12 tells us.

Jubilant Seven Sevens
It goes even deeper. Every 50 years, after seven Sabbaticals of 49 years, is another great Sabbath year command known as the year of Jubilee. Look up the word jubilee and Webster’s will tell you it’s a special anniversary of an event, especially one celebrating 25 or 50 years.

Have you ever felt “jubilant”? Maybe you attended a diamond jubilee celebration. These terms are based on the biblical Jubilee. There’s even an apocryphal Book of Jubilees.

You find many Jubilees observed around the world at any given moment. And the concept comes right out of the Bible.

In the Scriptures the word “jubilee” is derived from the Hebrew teruah, which means “a sound of joy or alarm.” It was the ram’s horn or shofar trumpet that announced the beginning of the Jubilee year.

Leviticus 25:9 says: “Then shall you cause the trumpet of the Jubilee to sound on the tenth day of the seventh month, in the day of atonement shall you make the trumpet sound throughout all your land.”

The biblical Jubilee comes after seven cycles of seven and was a time when the land was to go back to its original owner. This ensured that the tribes of Israel did not lose their promised inheritance.

The law of the Sabbatical and Jubilee years is one of the more intriguing subjects in Scripture.

Important events of history and prophecy are tied up in these specially sanctified times.

Feasts Rest on Sevens
Yahweh’s days are universally overlooked, in the same way the first day of the biblical month is ignored today, even when the thin new moon crescent appears visibly in the sky and shouts to all the earth, “This is the first day of the month.”

This natural phenomenon goes right over most heads today because the moon has been factored out of our Gregorian solar calendar.

Much more significance remains with the number seven. We find throughout the year seven sacred observances that Yahweh commanded His people to celebrate as part of His covenant with us.

These Feasts or holy days are the only annual observances given in the Scriptures. Holiday is a contraction of the words “holy day.” Each is tied firmly to the number seven either by when they occur or by their length of observance. The Feast of Unleavened Bread in the spring and the Feast of Tabernacles in the fall are each seven-day observances.

Four of these observances are in the seventh biblical month. They are: the Feast of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement, Feast of Tabernacles, and the Last Great Day.

Prophetic Keys in Feasts
If you want to understand the prophetic plan for this earth and the return of the Savior, important keys are in the Feast days. Each reveals facets of the Messiah’s coming and the setting up of His kingdom on earth in the future Messianic age. Each gives insight into what’s ahead for this world. Yahweh’s Feasts are the only holidays sanctioned in the Bible. They were all observed by Israel in the Old Testament, kept by the Savior and His apostles in the New Testament, were taught by the apostles, and will be enforced in the coming Kingdom (see RSB chart).

As critical to Yahweh’s Truth as these days are, the vast majority of Bible believers are ignorant of them, just as 2Peter 3 describes most people in a different context.

Along with the seventh day of the week, these seven annual observances have been neglected or mostly ignored through the centuries by the vast majority of Bible believers and self-confessed followers of Scripture.

In every key aspect of our existence, we see a prominent rhythm of sevens. We see it in Yahweh’s physical creation, in His command to pause and worship, in His salvation plan, in the prophetic timetable – sevens are everywhere.

Unlike our months and years, our seven-day week has no astronomical basis; you can’t look to the sky or out into space and determine the starting and ending of a week. There is no planet, star, sun or moon that sets the weekly Sabbath. The Sabbath is based totally on what Yahweh put into effect at creation when He rested on the seventh day. It was Yahweh alone who gave each week a starting point and an ending point. The week is divine.

Like the institution of marriage and family, Yahweh Himself established the Sabbath in Eden. That is why He is called the master of the Sabbath.

Sabbath Unchangeable
Even the calendar on your wall continues this biblical institution of ending the week on the Sabbath. Our week that begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday is the same consecutive order of days in effect for thousands of years. The Sabbaths that Abraham, Moses, and King David observed are in the very same weekly sequence that still operates today.

None of the days of the week have gotten out of the weekly order.

Some have argued that the Sabbath sequence was altered in the switchover from the Julian to today’s Gregorian calendar, named after Pope Gregory XIII. The problem was that by 1752 the Julian calendar, named for Julius Caesar, had drifted out of sync with the seasons as it moved slower than today’s calendar.

To catch the calendar back up with astronomical reality, 11 days (dates) were dropped in the new Gregorian calendar, creating an irregular month. But even with the loss of dates, the Sabbath cycle didn’t change.

The seven-day week has been in force worldwide from creation, although some countries have tried to alter it, France and Russia being two of them. Both of their secular attempts to change the week failed.

Deuteronomy 5:15 in the restatement of the 4th commandment, gives some additional insights into the larger concept of “Sabbath.”

“And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that Yahweh thy Elohim brought thee out thence through a mighty hand and by a stretched out arm: therefore Yahweh thy Elohim commanded thee to keep the sabbath day.”

Why does He bring the issue of slavery in conjunction with the Sabbath? Because on specific Sabbath years slaves or bond servants were set free. That is, on the Sabbatical every seventh year, and on the Jubilee, which falls every 50th year. The Jubilee is also a Sabbath year. On this 50th year Sabbath, slaves were given their freedom.

Israel was taken into captivity for 70 years for not keeping the land Sabbath. The lesson is that not keeping the Sabbath, either weekly or annually, leads to slavery in various ways. By not keeping the weekly Sabbath, slavery to the world and all its pressures and enticements is fortified. Observing the Sabbaths frees us from slavery to this world.

Yahweh took two key actions with the Sabbath at creation: “He blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it,” Genesis 2:3. In doing these, He established its significance throughout the rest of Scripture and history. He sanctified it or set it apart as completely given over to Him. This is the essence of the Fourth Commandment, which mandates the complete cessation of all mundane work and the total devotion to Yahweh Himself.

Now, the trumpet call of the Jubilee directly parallels the trumpet that will announce the return of the Messiah Yahshua to this earth, which prophecy and Yahshua Himself indicated will occur on either a Sabbatical or a Jubilee year. Returning on the Jubilee could explain why Yahweh let Israel lose track of the Jubilee so that no one would determine the time of the Savior’s return.

In Luke 4:18 we read that on a weekly Sabbath in Nazareth, Yahshua went into the synagogue and read from Isaiah 61:1-2:

“The spirit of Yahweh is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the glad tidings to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of Yahweh.”

“Preach” here means to proclaim after the manner of a herald, always with the suggestion of formality, gravity, and authority. It is more than just talking; more than just teaching. The terminology fits perfectly the significance of the trumpet sound proclaiming the Jubilee at Atonement.

In quoting Isaiah 61, Yahshua stopped in the middle of verse 2, which demonstrates that as the fulfillment of this prophecy that He was now calling people out of the world to become His followers. The end of the verse refers to the Day of Judgment, which at that time obviously was far into the future.

Here we can see how Yahshua rightly divided the word. The “acceptable year” refers to the beginning of the Jubilee year as the welcome year. Another translation refers to it as Yahweh’s amnesty year.

Note what the Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary says, “Acceptable year – an allusion to the Jubilee year (Lev. 25:10), a year of universal release for person and property.”

Wesley’s Notes adds, “The acceptable year – plainly alluding to the year of Jubilee, when all, both debtors and servants, were set free.”

Yahshua came to preach the Good News to the meek and humble, those whose hearts were soft and teachable, to give them the truth to set them free.

The Jubilee is couched in the middle of a directive in Leviticus 25 to keep the Sabbatical year. The Jubilee is marked by:

• land rest

• land going back to the original owner

• Israelite slaves freed

In quoting Isaiah 61, Yahshua said, “This day is the Scripture fulfilled in your ears.” It indicates that He was speaking on the Jubilee year and that He Himself would accomplish this. It hints that He began His ministry on the Jubilee.

Death Penalty Paid
The Jubilee is all about freedom. He frees us by releasing us from the death penalty if we repent and follow Him.

The universal mantra in religious venues everywhere is that obedience to the Word is unnecessary and even a bad thing. The reasoning is that if you try you are rejecting what your Savior did for you. But what did Yahshua tell the young man in Matthew 19:17? “If you will enter into life, keep the commandments.” He said, “If ye love me, keep my commandments,” John 14:15.

What did He mean by “His” commandments? Was He changing what His Father had already given?

If you are concerned that becoming obedient will take away the forgiveness Yahshua offers for your sins, you have nothing to worry about. We are all sinful enough that we cannot achieve sinlessness on our own. We will always need Yahshua’s blood to cover our disobedience. At the same time we are to strive to walk in Yahshua’s footsteps of obedience.

John 12:49-50 in the NIV reads, “For I did not speak of my own accord, but the Father who sent me commanded me what to say and how to say it. I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say.”

Yahweh insisted on obedience to the law throughout the Old Testament, and Malachi 3:6 says He does not change. Yahshua simply took those commands and lived them as an example of righteousness for everyone to follow. He kept the Sabbaths, Feasts, Ten Commandments, moral law – everything commanded by Yahweh His father.

He did it all for a reason, not just to prove that He could. He was without sin. Even the law of sacrifice He adhered to and ultimately satisfied with His own blood.

He led His life to show you and me that this is what His Father expects of us. He applied His Father’s statutes in all aspects of life as He experienced them. That way we could use His example in our own lives and experiences.

If you buy into the notion that obedience is wrong, then you are not following the law-keeping, law-loving example of your obedient Savior who as the judge has the power to grant your salvation.

Just as He was cut off (meaning died) in the middle of the week as He foretold, so Yahshua left unsaid the rest of Isaiah 61:2, which tells of the vengeance that would follow His return. Note the latter part of this verse: “And the day of vengeance of our Elohim; to comfort all that mourn” (Isa. 61:1-2). He’s not returning with smiles and hugs all around. He’ll be swinging a sword against the unrighteous, Revelation 1:16.

A Key Lost and Found
There is no record that Israel or Judah faithfully kept all the Sabbaticals and Jubilees, and therefore we have little to go on in determining the year they should be kept. Regardless, Yahweh knows our desire to do the best we can in obedience. These times will be enforced when His Kingdom comes to earth.

Daniel 9 begins with a reference to the 70 years of Judah’s Babylonian captivity. The reason they were sentenced to a captivity of 70 years is that they had not kept 70 Sabbatical years and had to catch up (Lev. 26:34-35, 43; 2Chr. 36:21-23).

The chapter begins with a reference to the missed Sabbatical years in 70 Sabbatical cycles, and ends with a discussion of another 70 Sabbatical cycles.

The weekly Sabbath every seven days, the Sabbatical year every seven years, and Jubilees coming after every 7×7 years as well as the 1,000-year reign following 6,000 years of man are each a part of Yahweh’s design.

Yahweh marks weeks, holy days, years, and millennia in bundles of sevens. The word ‘week’ in Hebrew is the same as the number 7, shabua. It literally means “sevened.” Shabua has a dual meaning as well, and also connotes oaths. Yahweh is telling us by this word with two meanings that a powerful relationship exists between the number seven, representing Sabbaths, and an oath.

Is it any wonder then that the Sabbath is a sign between Yahweh and His people? It is a sign of the oath or covenant.

We can go even further. You could say the Feast of Weeks or Shabuot is a feast of oaths. His law by most accounts was given on the Feast of Weeks as well as the Holy Spirit in the New Testament to enable obedience to that law. You become eligible for that spirit when you obey Him, Acts 5:32. With both His Spirit and His laws working in you, you become a part of a sacred oath or covenant as His people.

Sevens in the Feasts
The feasts of the biblical calendar are also marked by seven days, which is the length of both the Feast of Unleavened (bread) and of the Feast of Tabernacles. Pentecost (seven times seven days plus one), or the Feast of Weeks, is celebrated seven weeks from unleavened bread.

The commands for these days are found in Exodus 12 and 23, and Leviticus 23.

With many important meanings and lessons, Yahweh’s Sabbaths are also great equalizers. On the 7th day, for example, both the powerful and the weak become irrelevant, as even the ox is liberated and given the same day of rest.

To counter any greed in the 7th year, debts are forgiven. And to counter over-farming and depletion of the soil, the land rests in the 7th year. After 7×7 years, all debts are forgiven and lands are then returned to the original owners. That ensures that property rights remain in a family and the land especially given by Yahweh to the various tribes remained with them.

Today some Torah-observant Jews will lease their land to a gentile for the year, thinking they can skirt the Sabbatical Law. Biblical laws were not given to appease Yahweh but are for the benefit of the individual, family, and community (1John 5:3). We defeat their purpose when we evade them and look for loopholes.

Yahweh’s Laws for Our Good
Yahweh says don’t eat fat. We now know that fat contributes to all kinds of health problems.

Yahweh says don’t eat swine. Science has learned that the omnivorous pig is a garbage disposer and natural incubator, allowing viruses to jump the species gap between beast and man.

The Bible has been proven invaluable by modern science when it says let the land rest and renourish for a year to rebuild the soil naturally. Many enlightened farmers today allow their fields to lie fallow for the same reason.

These are only a few ways that Yahweh’s laws benefit us physically. But the spiritual benefits are far greater. Paul told Timothy, “And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Messiah Yahshua,” 2Timothy 3:15.

We can’t take Yahweh’s commands lightly, thinking they were made only for someone else, like the Jews. They apply to all ages and all people.

The magnificent number 7 is a profound key to Yahweh’s design in the universe and in His faith.

In Conclusion
The number 7 (the number of perfection) is not just related to the reoccurring of the Sabbath and Sabbatical cycles but by sequences of seven it reckons the counting of the calendar. Yahweh’s seven biblical appointments, as seen on the cover of this booklet, demonstrates a symbolic representation of Yahweh’s perfect order, typified with the Feast of Trumpets in the center, designating Yahshua’s return at the last trump. Most miss the fact that the Last Great Day (the eighth day as it is called because it follows the seven-day Feast of Tabernacles, Leviticus 23:34-36) is a separate observance in the Feast cycle. Those who do not understand the first fruits offerings to Yahweh try to account for this by inserting a made up “Feast of Firstfruits.” Unleavened Bread and Pentecost both include the firstfruits by their very nature, as they are harvest festivals, which include firstfruits offerings to Yahweh through the barley and wheat harvests. The firstfruits, and more specifically the Abib barley harvest, which sets the yearly calendar, are key to understanding the Holy Day cycle, revolving around the harvest and the future spiritual harvests at Yahshua’s return. Reckoning the calendar with the firstfruits barley as Scripture shows, will align us with Yahshua’s return as He reaps His firstfruit harvest of the faithful.

E-news 5/17/2019

Feast Accommodations Going Fast

Only a few rooms remain in the recreation center at YRM for the Feast of Tabernacles September 17.

We encourage those who want to stay in the center but don’t yet have reservations to act soon.  Other options are tenting, travel trailer or a motel room. The weather should be warm for camping and we have electrical hookups in some tent areas.  We look forward to a terrific Feast blessing and encourage all with a heart to obey Yahweh to join us.


Supporting YRM Made Easy

Summer months are typically hard on the ministry income. Our bills are relentless year-round, however. We are also knee-deep in kitchen remodeling at the fellowship hall and need your help so we can make it usable by Tabernacles. Donations so far: $1,140. Goal: $18,000. You can donate to the fund and in a variety of other ways. Discover how at our website: https://yrm.org/donate/

A reminder that Amazon Smile contributes a portion of your purchases to YRM every time you shop with Amazon online, and it costs you nothing. To participate in this program, go to: https://smile.amazon.com/


Why is the first biblical month essential to the rest of the yearly Feasts of Yahweh?

A. Because the whole series of seven Feasts are based on the first one.

B. Because Yahweh’s Feasts are agriculturally established, including the first one.

C. Because Yahweh’s Feasts pivot on firstfruits of the individual Feast harvests.

D. Because “seasons” in Genesis 1:14 means appointed times, set by the first Feast.

Disregarding the Abib firstfruits of the first biblical month of the year leads to a cascade of derailments in the Feast calendar. If the first month of the year is off by a month, the rest of the calendar and its Feasts will also be off a month. Abib is specifically and only defined as a stage of maturing barley. It is not solar. The greening of barley grain into the dough stage is the only criterion specified in the Bible establishing the first month of the year is. Therefore the first month is appropriately called Abib.  Many unstudied in the Feasts and the all-important firstfruits that are offered within them stumble by splitting Pentecost or Feast of Weeks into two separate Feasts, calling one Pentecost and the other the “Feast of firstfruits.” In doing this they end up with eight Feasts, misusing Exodus 34:22. Their fuzzy math works only if they combine the Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day into one Feast, which is a popular error. The Bible clearly separates them into two observances, Leviticus 23:36, 39.  Tabernacles and Unleavened Bread are both seven days. Yahweh’s  design is consistent in both Feasts.

Answer: A,B,C,D

YRM E-news 5/10/2019


Feast of Weeks May 12

The Feast of Weeks or Pentecost will be observed this weekend on May 12 at Holts Summit. We will have two inspiring days of spiritual uplift and learning. Both messages Sabbath and Pentecost will be broadcast live (1:30 pm Central). Come join others of like faith for a weekend that only Yahweh can give as we obey His command in this third moed of the year.


Now Accepting  2019 FOT Reservations

We also invite you to the 2019 Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot)
celebration from the evening of September 15th through September 21th (based on the new moon crescent, it may be observed a day earlier). This important event will be observed in Holts Summit, Missouri, at YRM’s facilities. Reservations are coming in, so reserve your room now.  Watch a video tour of the activity/lodging center by Bro. Lucas Cecil at https://yrm.org/tabernacles-2019.  You will also find a Feast schedule and registration form at this URL.


Kitchen Expansion Fund Needs Your Help

Renovation continues on our kitchen facility at Holts Summit, estimated at a cost of $13,000. We are doing nearly all the work ourselves as we try to economize.  The project will double our kitchen space

for Feasts, weekly Sabbaths and other events.



When the Jewish nation is first mentioned in the Bible, what are they doing?


A – Receiving the Law

B – Celebrating the Old Covenant

C – Wandering in the Desert

D – Fighting a war with Israel


Israel was originally a confederation of twelve tribes. After the death of Solomon, the harsh-speaking Rehoboam came to power. Ten Northern tribes of Israel broke away in revolt while the southern tribes of Judah and Benjamin remained under the leadership of Judah, where Rehoboam remained King (1Kings 12:21). These became known as “The Jews.” A civil war for unification broke out, which was halted only at the command of Yahweh’s prophet (1Kings 12:22-24). From this point forward, “Israel” and “Judah” have parallel but separate histories in the Bible.

Answer: D


“True worship is not about you, it’s about Him.”

YRM E-news 5/3/2019

March-April Restoration Times Mailed April 29

The latest Restoration Times magazine should be showing up in subscribers’ mailboxes soon, along with the Feast and new moon calendar and information on the kitchen remodel at YRM and how you can help with it. This issue includes articles debunking evolution, a review of fossilized traditions, Pentecost, how Easter came from Passover, humility, and much more. You can download a digital copy at: https://yrm.org/restoration-times-archive/  Pictured are dedicated volunteers preparing the issue for mailing.


Feast of Weeks May 12

In about a week we will be observing the Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost, at Holts Summit. Those joining us will enjoy an inspiring two days of spiritual uplift and learning. We have 27 lodging rooms in the multipurpose center for a nominal fee of $20 per night. Come join others of like faith for a weekend that only Yahweh can give as we obey His command in this third moed of the year.
You can reserve a room by calling us toll free: 1-844-899-6438


Now Accepting  2019 FOT Reservations

We invite you to the 2019 Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) celebration from the evening of September 15th through September 21th (based on the new moon crescent, it may be observed a day earlier). This important event will be observed in Holts Summit, Missouri, at YRM’s facilities. Watch a video tour of the activity center by Bro. Lucas Cecil at https://yrm.org/tabernacles-2019/  You will also find a Feast schedule and registration form at this URL.


Feast of Tabernacles Worship and Activities

The Feast offers incredible insight into our Father’s plan of salvation for mankind. It represents not only Israel’s 40 years in the wilderness, but prophetically points to the coming Kingdom, when Yahshua will govern the earth with His saints, Revelation 20:6.


Above all, the Feast is a time to worship Almighty Yahweh (Lev. 23:1). There is no greater purpose! To follow this command, we will have daily worship services along with several Bible studies throughout the Feast. We will also have a baptismal service for those seeking immersion into Yahshua’s Name. A Night of Special Music is always a hit, and all are invited to participate. In addition to the inspiring and informative messages and Bible workshops, we have several activities planned, including: volleyball, basketball, bingo, Hebrew dancing, western day, a day at the lake, and so much more!


Kitchen Expansion Fund – Can You Help?

Because our kitchen facility at Holts Summit is woefully inadequate for feasts and other events, we are renovating the facility. A used commercial dishwasher was purchased at a fraction of the cost of new a couple of years ago and we are taking it out of storage for installation. A convection oven and standard gas oven were also purchased used and await installation. Plumbing has recently been completed for the dishwasher. We are doing nearly all the work ourselves as we try to economize.

We estimate the total cost of the kitchen expansion at $13,600, with fire suppression range hood. If you would like to help with any aspect of this project, here is the breakdown you can choose from:

Propane install:                                        $1,500

Framing:                                                  $3,000

Range hood with fire suppression:        $6,300

(Range hood without fire suppression  $3,000)

Split unit AC:                                            $1,500

Wall panels of stainless steel for oven:  $1,300


Help with any of these items would be great blessing to YRM. This much-needed project will bring many years of convenience and enjoyment for all who come for Yahweh’s Feasts.

Donations can be made here>> 




What is the Nomina Sacra?

  1. Manuscripts from a heretical sect of the fifth century
  2. Old Testament scrolls discovered near Mt. Sinai in Arabia
  3. Rabbinic writings that are only nominally sacred
  4. Word abbreviations found in the Greek New Testament


The term Nomina Sacra is Latin for “Sacred Names” and refers to abbreviations found in the early Greek New Testament manuscripts. As noted in the Restoration Study Bible, “[It] was a literary device used to abbreviate several words in early Greek NT manuscripts. Bruce Metzger’s book, Manuscripts of the Greek Bible, lists 15 examples of these abbreviations from Greek papyri: God, Lord, Jesus, Christ, Son, Spirit, David, cross, mother, father, Israel, Savior, man, Jerusalem, and heaven (examples appear as found in KJV). Except for ‘mother,’ which is not found until the 4th century CE, all other Nomina Sacrahave been found in Greek manuscripts from the first through third centuries CE. While scholars are still debating their purpose, some propose that this shortening of key words may have been used to replace the Tetragrammaton (see Ex. 3:15) with the common title Kurios(typically abbreviated ‘KS’ with a line above), in Greek Christian manuscripts, as found within this passage. This offers a possible explanation as to why Yahweh’s Name is missing from the Greek NT. In fact, in those places where the Tetragrammaton should appear, the definite article is missing in front of the [Nomina Sacra]. This conclusion is supported also by German scholar David Trobisch’s work, The First Edition of The New Testament….” (note on Matt. 1:22).   Answer: D.

YRM E-news 4/26/2019

E-news 4/26/19


Feast of Weeks May 12
In only two weeks we will be observing the Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost, at Holts Summit. Those
joining us will enjoy an inspiring two days of spiritual uplift and learning. We have 27 lodging rooms in the multipurpose center for a nominal fee of $20 per night. Come join others of like faith for a weekend that only Yahweh can give as we obey His command in this third moed of the year.
You can reserve a room by calling us toll free: 1-844-899-6438

Kitchen Expansion Fund – Can You Help?
Because our kitchen facility at Holts Summit is woefully inadequate for feasts and other events, we are renovating the facility. A used commercial dishwasher was purchased at a fraction of the cost of new a couple of years ago and we are taking it out of storage for installation. A convection oven and standard gas oven were also purchased used and await installation. Plumbing has recently been completed for the dishwasher. We are doing most of the work ourselves as we try to economize.
We estimate the total cost of the kitchen expansion at $13,600, with fire suppression range hood. If you would like to help with any aspect of this project, here is the breakdown you may choose from:
Propane install:   $1,500
Framing:              $3,000
Range hood with fire suppression: $6,300
(Range hood without fire suppression: $3,000)
Split unit AC: $1,500
Wall panels of stainless steel for oven: $1,300
Donations can be made here>> 

Help with any of these items would be great blessing to YRM. This much-needed project will bring years of convenience and enjoyment for all who come for Yahweh’s Feasts.

What is the biblically-documented way to lead people to the Messiah?
A – The law
B – The book of John
C – Telling them Yahweh loves them
D – Having a good testimony
Many have become acquainted with the Savior through the book of John. But Paul declares that the law is a “schoolmaster” leading us to the Messiah (Galatians 3:24). Much has been written about the Greek word for “schoolmaster.” It is an excellent metaphor for the process that leads to the conviction of sin. Upon our conversion Yahshua points us back to the law (Matthew 5:17-20), not as a harsh schoolmaster, but as the basis for knowing our sacred duty in a new life in Him.
Answer: A
“Worship is not about you but about Him. Follow His Word no matter where it takes you.”

Restoration Times March-April 2019

In this issue of Restoration Times we cover:

• Miracles of Creation and the Case
Against Evolution

• Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit

• You Can Count on Pentecost

• Fossilized Traditions

• How Passover Went Easter-ly

• Q & A

• Letters

Download PDF

Read on Issuu.com