Carob Date Nut Cake Recipe

1⁄2 cup corn oil or veg oil

3⁄4 cup carob (powder for baking)

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 teaspoon walnut flavoring

5 eggs, separated

42 dates, seeded (or 1 lb.chopped stoned dates)

1 cup hot water

1 cup walnuts, chopped

1 cup pecans, chopped

1 cup white raisins

1 cup old fashioned oats

3⁄4 cup water

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Beat egg whites and place in refrigerator until later.

Place dates and hot water in bowl and mix well. Add raisins, oats, nuts and flavoring. Set aside.

Whip egg yolks and carob and add 3⁄4 cup water. Add to date mixture.

Let sit about 10 minutes.

Add egg whites and mix well.

Bake in well oiled pan for 30 minutes at 350 degrees.

Chocolate Cake Recipe

1 1⁄2 cups matzo flour

2 cups sugar

1 cup vegetable shortening

8 tablespoons cocoa

2 tablespoons corn syrup

4 eggs

2 tablespoons vanilla

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Cream shortening, sugar and eggs. Combine all ingredients. Beat until fluffy and light.

Pour into two 8 inch pans and bake for 30 minutes.

Frost if desired.

Cereal Pie Crust

3⁄4 cup crushed or ground dry unleavened cereal

1 cup chopped nuts

1-1/2 sticks butter

1⁄2 cup sugar

1-1/2 cups flour

1 beaten egg

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Process cereal in blender. (Any combination of cereals will work.)

Combine with remaining ingredients in a bowl and mix well.

Press into a greased and floured 9 x 13 inch pan.

Bake for 12 to 15 minutes at 350 degrees or until it looks done.

Note: Dampen hands to press into pan so mixture won’t stick to your hands.

Freezing this crust seems to make it a little softer when serving.

Coconut Pie Crust Recipe

2 cups shredded coconut

1⁄2 cup margarine or Butter

Combine in skillet and cook over low heat until golden brown, stirring frequently.

Press into a 9 inch pie pan. Chill.

Note: Use for pies that require a crust that is already baked, such as unbaked cheesecakes and refrigerator pies.

Crisco Pie Crust Recipe

1-1/2 cup sifted regular flour

1⁄2 teaspoon salt

1⁄2 cup Crisco shortening

3 tablespoons water

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Sift flour before measuring. Combine flour and salt in bowl.

With pastry blender or 2 knives cut in Crisco. Mixture should be fairly course.

Sprinkle with water, a tablespoon at a time. Toss with a fork.

Work dough into firm ball with hands.

On a lightly floured board or pastry cloth, roll crust in a circle 1⁄4 inch thick and 1-1/2 inches larger than pie plate.

Place in pie plate and shape and trim to fit plate.

For single crust baked with filling, bake at temperature and time recommended for filling.

For single crust, baked without filling, prick bottom and sides thoroughly with fork and bake at 425 degrees for 10 to 15minutes or until brown.

For pie with top crust, repeat the process to create the top crust.

Cranberry Raisin Pie Filling Recipe

1-1⁄4 cup fresh cranberries

1 cup sugar

1 tablespoon melted butter

1⁄2 cup raisins

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Blend berries to a course grind.

Add raisins and blend for 1 second. Stir in the sugar and melted butter.

Pour into a 9 inch pastry lined pan.

Bake 45 minutes at 375 degrees.

Serve either warm or cold.

Delicious Apple Pie Recipe

6 to 8 tart apples, thinly sliced

1⁄2 cup honey

2 tablespoons all-purpose flour

Dash of nutmeg

11⁄2 teaspoons cinnamon

1 teaspoon cloves

1 teaspoon allspice

1⁄2 cup raisins

Dash of salt

Pie crusts

Pour honey over sliced apples and stir thoroughly. Combine flour, spices and dash of salt. Mix with apples.

Line 9 inch pie pan with pastry.

Fill with apple mixture and dot with butter.

Adjust top crust and make slits for steam to escape.

Bake at 350 degrees for 50 minutes or until done.

Pumpkin Pie Filling Recipe

1⁄2 tablespoon cornstarch

1 cup pumpkin

1/3 cup brown sugar

2 tablespoons sugar

1/8 teaspoon allspice

1⁄2 teaspoon cinnamon

1/8 teaspoon ginger

1 cup milk

1⁄2 can canned milk

1⁄2 teaspoon salt

Blend eggs and canned milk. Add the dry ingredients and blend.

Add pumpkin an remaining milk alternately until thoroughly blended.

Pour into a pastry lined pie plate and bake at 425 degrees for 12 minutes or until the pumpkin is set and a knife comes out clean.

Honey-Oatmeal Gems

1 egg, beaten

1/3 cup oil

1/2 cup honey

1 teaspoon vanilla

2 cups quick oats

dash of salt.

Beat egg, honey, vanilla and salt.

Stir in oats.

Drop by heaping teaspoonfuls on greased cookie sheet.

Bake 15 minutes at 325 degrees.

This is a very versatile recipe.

Put 3 or 4 chocolate chips on each cookie (or mix in batter) and they taste like a different type of cookie.

Use ½ cup oil and add 1 cup chopped coconut and you have macaroons.

Use peanut butter in place of oil and you have peanut butter cookies.

Crisp Lemon Thins Recipe

1-1/2 cup brown sugar packed

1 cup butter

1-1/2 cups whole wheat flour

2 unbeaten eggs

1 cup almonds, chopped fine

½ cup rolled oats

2 Tablespoons grated lemon rind

1 teaspoon lemon extract

Cream butter, gradually add sugar and cream well.

Blend in eggs.

Add flour and mix thoroughly.

Stir in almonds, oats, lemon rind, and lemon extract.

Drop by scant teaspoonfuls at least 3 inches apart onto greased baking sheets.

Bake at 350 degrees for 7 to 10 minutes until edges are golden brown.

Remove from baking sheets immediately.